Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1203.5805 (Konrad Kapcia et al.)

Phase separation in a lattice model of a superconductor with pair

Konrad Kapcia, Stanisław Robaszkiewicz, Roman Micnas

1203.5814 (G. Levy et al.)

Probing the role of Co substitution in the electronic structure of

G. Levy, R. Sutarto, D. Chevrier, T. Regier, R. Blyth, J. Geck, S. Wurmehl, L. Harnagea, H. Wadati, T. Mizokawa, I. S. Elfimov, A. Damascelli, G. A. Sawatzky

1203.5887 (X. F. Wang et al.)

Enhanced Superconductivity by Rare-earth Metal-doping in Phenanthrene    [PDF]

X. F. Wang, X. G. Luo, J. J. Ying, Z. J. Xiang, S. L. Zhang, R. R. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Y. J. Yan, A. F. Wang, P. Cheng, G. J. Ye, X. H. Chen

1203.5963 (M. N. Chernodub et al.)

Magnetic-field-induced superconductivity and superfluidity of W and Z
bosons: in tandem transport and kaleidoscopic vortex states

M. N. Chernodub, Jos Van Doorsselaere, Henri Verschelde

1203.6007 (Paul B. Welander et al.)

Shadow evaporation of epitaxial Al/Al2O3/Al tunnel junctions on sapphire
utilizing an inorganic bilayer mask

Paul B. Welander, Vladimir Bolkhovsky, Terence J. Weir, Mark A. Gouker, William D. Oliver