Monday, April 16, 2012

1102.3000 (Flavio S. Nogueira et al.)

Strong-coupling topological Josephson effect in quantum wires    [PDF]

Flavio S. Nogueira, Ilya Eremin

1109.6198 (Zhen-Guo Fu et al.)

Quasiparticle states and quantum interference induce by magnetic
impurities on a two-dimensional topological superconductor

Zhen-Guo Fu, Ping Zhang, Zhigang Wang, Shu-Shen Li

1201.5139 (S. Dayal et al.)

Absence of long-range superconducting correlations in the frustrated
1/2-filled band Hubbard model

S. Dayal, R. T. Clay, S. Mazumdar

1204.2602 (D. Z. Xu et al.)

Superradiant quantum phase transition in a circuit QED system: a revisit
from a fully microscopic point of view

D. Z. Xu, Y. B. Gao, C. P. Sun

1204.2849 (Tom Berlijn et al.)

Effective doping and suppression of Fermi surface reconstruction via Fe
vacancy disorder in KxFe2-ySe2

Tom Berlijn, P. J. Hirschfeld, Wei Ku

1204.2919 (S. I. Vedeneev et al.)

Gap like structure in a nonsuperconducting layered oxycarbonate
Bi$_{2+x}$Sr$_{4-x}$Cu$_2$CO$_3$O$_{8+δ}$ single crystal

S. I. Vedeneev, B. A. Piot, D. K. Maude

1204.3026 (Lev P. Gor'kov)

Strong electron-lattice coupling as the mechanism behind charge density
wave transformations in transition-metal dichalcogenides

Lev P. Gor'kov

1204.3085 (Chien-Hung Lin et al.)

Zero bias conductance peak in Majorana wires made of
semiconductor-superconductor hybrid structures

Chien-Hung Lin, Jay D. Sau, S. Das Sarma