Monday, July 1, 2013

1306.6704 (Nobuhito Kokubo et al.)

Flow and Tilt-Induced Orientation of the Moving Vortex Lattice in
Amorphous NbGe Superconducting Thin Films

Nobuhito Kokubo, Tetsuya Yoshimura, Bunjyu Shinozaki

1306.6771 (I. V. Bobkova et al.)

In-plane FFLO instability in superconductor-normal metal bilayer system
under non-equilibrium quasiparticle distribution

I. V. Bobkova, A. M. Bobkov

1306.6830 (John R. Clem et al.)

Equilibrium intermediate-state patterns in a type-I superconducting slab
in an arbitrarily oriented applied magnetic field

John R. Clem, Ruslan Prozorov, R. J. Wijngaarden

1306.6868 (Q. Zhang et al.)

Anomalous metallic state and anisotropic multiband superconductivity in

Q. Zhang, D. Rhodes, B. Zeng, T. Besara, T. Siegrist, M. D. Johannes, L. Balicas

1306.6871 (H. Meier et al.)

Effect of the magnetic field on the competition between
superconductivity and quadrupole density wave below the pseudogap state

H. Meier, M. Einenkel, C. Pépin, K. B. Efetov