Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1302.6255 (Y. Gallais et al.)

Observation of incipient charge nematicity in

Y. Gallais, R. M. Fernandes, I. Paul, L. Chauviere, Y. -X. Yang, M. -A. Measson, M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, D. Colson, A. Forget

1302.6281 (Shiro Kawabata et al.)

Robustness of spin-triplet paring and the singlet-triplet
paring-crossover in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids

Shiro Kawabata, Yasuhiro Asano, Yukio Tanaka, Alexander A. Golubov

1302.6314 (S. Kitagawa et al.)

s wave superconductivity in newly discovered superconductor
BaTi$_2$Sb$_2$O revealed by $^{121/123}$Sb-NMR/Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance

S. Kitagawa, K. Ishida, K. Nakano, T. Yajima, H. Kageyama

1302.6440 (M. A. Tanatar et al.)

Inter-plane resistivity of isovalent doped BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$    [PDF]

M. A. Tanatar, K. Hashimoto, S. Kasahara, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, R. Prozorov

1302.6449 (T. Ritschel et al.)

Pressure dependence of the charge density wave in 1T-TaS2 and its
relation to superconductivity

T. Ritschel, J. Trinckauf, G. Garbarino, M. Hanfland, M. v. Zimmermann, H. Berger, B. Buechner, J. Geck

1302.6480 (Kazumasa Iida et al.)

BaFe2As2/Fe bilayers with [001]-tilt grain boundary on MgO and SrTiO3
bicrystal substrates

Kazumasa Iida, Silvia Haindl, Fritz Kurth, Jens Haenisch, Ludwig Schulz, Bernhard Holzapfel

1302.6488 (Kevin Kirshenbaum et al.)

Pressure-induced unconventional superconductivity in topological
insulator Bi2Se3

Kevin Kirshenbaum, P. S. Syers, A. P. Hope, N. P. Butch, J. R. Jeffries, S. T. Weir, J. J. Hamlin, M. B. Maple, Y. K. Vohra, J. Paglione