Monday, May 14, 2012

1110.3730 (J. Casanova et al.)

Quantum Simulation of Interacting Fermion Lattice Models in Trapped Ions    [PDF]

J. Casanova, A. Mezzacapo, L. Lamata, E. Solano

1205.2381 (O. Ahmadi et al.)

Eliashberg Analysis of Temperature Dependent Pairing Mechanism in d-Wave
Superconductors: Application to High Temperature Superconductivity

O. Ahmadi, L. Coffey

1205.2407 (O. P. Isikaku-Ironkwe)

Prospects for Superconductivity in LiBSi    [PDF]

O. P. Isikaku-Ironkwe

1205.2418 (Yi Gao et al.)

Theory of Mixed-State Effect on Quasiparticle Interference in Iron-based

Yi Gao, Huaixiang Huang, Peiqing Tong

1205.2463 (E. F. C. Driessen et al.)

Strongly disordered s-wave superconductors probed by microwave

E. F. C. Driessen, P. C. J. J. Coumou, R. R. Tromp, P. J. de Visser, T. M. Klapwijk

1205.2478 (Annalisa Allocca et al.)

Measuring the influence of Casimir energy on superconducting phase
transitions: a cross-correlation data analysis

Annalisa Allocca, Giuseppe Bimonte, Detlef Born, Enrico Calloni, Giampiero Esposito, Uwe Huebner, Evgeni Il'ichev, Luigi Rosa, Francesco Tafuri

1205.2518 (Roberto De Renzi et al.)

Effect of external pressure on the magnetic properties of LnFeAsO (Ln =
La, Ce, Pr, Sm)

Roberto De Renzi, Pietro BonfĂ , Marcello Mazzani, Samuele Sanna, Giacomo Prando, Pietro Carretta, Rustem Khasanov, Alex Amato, Hubertus Luetkens, Markus Bendele, Andrea Palenzona, Matteo Tropeano, Maurizio Vignolo

1205.2564 (Dushko Kuzmanovski et al.)

Magnetic penetration depth in the presence of a spin-density wave in
multiband superconductors at zero temperature

Dushko Kuzmanovski, Maxim G. Vavilov

1205.2566 (T. Klein et al.)

Comment on "Precision global measurements of London penetration depth in

T. Klein, P. Rodiere, C. Marcenat

1205.2570 (Suchitra E. Sebastian et al.)

Quantum oscillations from nodal bilayer magnetic breakdown in the
underdoped high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x

Suchitra E. Sebastian, N. Harrison, Ruixing Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, C. H. Mielke, G. G. Lonzarich

1205.2582 (Monica De Angelis et al.)

Existence and uniqueness of solutions of a class of 3rd order
dissipative problems with various boundary conditions describing the
Josephson effect

Monica De Angelis, Gaetano Fiore

1205.2589 (S. Mukherjee et al.)

Bi-quadratic magnetoelectric coupling in underdoped La_2CuO_{4+x}    [PDF]

S. Mukherjee, B. M. Andersen, Z. Viskadourakis, I. Radulov, C. Panagopoulos

1205.2669 (K. Sato et al.)

Pseudogap behavior of RuP probed by photoemission spectroscopy    [PDF]

K. Sato, D. Ootsuki, Y. Wakisaka, N. L. Saini, T. Mizokawa, M. Arita, H. Anzai, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, D. Hirai, H. Takagi

1205.2673 (M. P. Allan et al.)

Anisotropic Energy Gaps of Iron-based Superconductivity from Intra-band
Quasiparticle Interference in LiFeAs

M. P. Allan, A. W. Rost, A. P. Mackenzie, Yang Xie, J. C. Davis, K. Kihou, C. H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, T. -M. Chuang