Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1206.0742 (Erez Berg et al.)

The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals: quantum Monte Carlo without
the sign problem

Erez Berg, Max A. Metlitski, Subir Sachdev

1206.0798 (L. Dudy et al.)

Photoemission Spectroscopy and the Unusually Robust One Dimensional
Physics of Lithium Purple Bronze

L. Dudy, J. W. Allen, F. Wang, J. He, D. Hitchcock, A. Sekiyama, S. Suga

1206.0801 (Z. P. Yin et al.)

Fractional powerlaws and the nature of the incoherent states in iron
chalcogenides and ruthenates

Z. P. Yin, K. Haule, G. Kotliar

1206.0811 (Jun Li et al.)

Superconductivity suppression of Ba0.5K0.5Fe2-2xM2xAs2 single crystals
by substitution of transition-metal (M = Mn, Ru, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn)

Jun Li, Yanfeng Guo, Shoubao Zhang, Jie Yuan, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, Xia Wang, C. I. Sathish, Ying Sun, Shan Yu, Wei Yi, Kazunari Yamaura, Eiji Takayama-Muromachi, Yuichi Shirako, Masaki Akaogi, Hiroshi Kontani

1206.0861 (E. P. Krasnoperov)

Negative magnetic relaxation in superconductors    [PDF]

E. P. Krasnoperov

1206.0862 (Ming-Lun Chen)

A pairing hypothesis based on resonating valence bond state for hole
doped copper oxide high temperature superconductors

Ming-Lun Chen

1206.0869 (Takeshi Daino et al.)

Odd-frequency Cooper pair amplitude around a vortex core in a chiral
p-wave superconductor in the quantum limit

Takeshi Daino, Masanori Ichioka, Takeshi Mizushima, Yukio Tanaka

1206.0888 (A. T. Roemer et al.)

Local modulations of the spin-fluctuation mediated pairing interaction
by impurities in d-wave superconductors

A. T. Roemer, S. Graser, T. S. Nunner, P. J. Hirschfeld, B. M. Andersen

1206.0904 (Andreas Heimes et al.)

The effect of spin fluctuations on the electronic structure in iron
based superconductors

Andreas Heimes, Roland Grein, Matthias Eschrig

1206.0989 (Fabio Marchesoni et al.)

Coherent emission from disordered arrays of driven Josephson vortices    [PDF]

Fabio Marchesoni, Sergey Savel'ev, Masashi Tachiki, Franco Nori

1206.1006 (Chetan Dhital et al.)

Spin ordering and electronic texture in the bilayer iridate

Chetan Dhital, Sovit Khadka, Z. Yamani, Clarina de la Cruz, T. C. Hogan, S. M. Disseler, Mani Pokharel, K. C. Lukas, Wei Tian, C. P. Opeil, Ziqiang Wang, Stephen D. Wilson