Tuesday, May 7, 2013

1305.0836 (S. V. Bakurskiy et al.)

Theoretical Model of Superconducting Spintronic SIsFS Devices    [PDF]

S. V. Bakurskiy, N. V. Klenov, I. I. Soloviev, V. V. Bol'ginov, V. V. Ryazanov, I. V. Vernik, O. A. Mukhanov, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, A. A. Golubov

1305.0843 (N. Gomes et al.)

Organic superconductors: the need to go beyond effective 1/2-filled band

N. Gomes, R. T. Clay, S. Mazumdar

1305.0844 (Simon Gerber et al.)

Microscopic Studies of the Normal and Superconducting State of

Simon Gerber, Jorge L. Gavilano, Marisa Medarde, Vladimir Pomjakushin, Christopher Baines, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, Kazimierz Conder, Michel Kenzelmann

1305.1033 (Hangdong Wang et al.)

Effect of Disorder on Superconductivity in TlNi$_2$Se$_{2-x}$S$_x$

Hangdong Wang, Chiheng Dong, Qianhui Mao, Rajwali Khan, Xi Zhou, Chenxia Li, Bin Chen, Jinhu Yang, Minghu Fang

1305.1058 (Jamil Tahir-Kheli)

Resistance of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors    [PDF]

Jamil Tahir-Kheli

1305.1086 (Haibing Peng)

A Comment on the Origin of Conductance Dips at Finite Bias in Andreev
Reflection Spectroscopy Data

Haibing Peng

1305.1088 (S. J. Singh et al.)

Study of Ni and Zn doped CeOFeAs: Effect on the structural transition
and specific heat capacity

S. J. Singh, Jai Prakash, A. Pal, S. Patnaik, V. P. S. Awana, A. K. Ganguli

1305.1090 (Shun-Li Yu et al.)

Spin fluctuations and pairing symmetry in A$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_{2}$:
dual effect of the itinerant and the localized nature of electrons

Shun-Li Yu, Jia Guo, Jian-Xin Li

1305.1116 (T. Schneider et al.)

Gate voltage tuned quantum superconductor to insulator transition in an
ultrathin bismuth film revisited

T. Schneider, S. Weyeneth

1305.1161 (Hirofumi Sakakibara et al.)

Two-orbital view on the origin of the material dependence of Tc in the
single-layer cuprates

Hirofumi Sakakibara, Hidetomo Usui, Kazuhiko Kuroki, Ryotaro Arita, Hideo Aoki

1305.1195 (J. Nagel et al.)

Nanoscale multifunctional sensor formed by a Ni nanotube and a scanning
Nb nanoSQUID

J. Nagel, A. Buchter, F. Xue, O. F. Kieler, T. Weimann, J. Kohlmann, A. B. Zorin, D. Rüffer, E. Russo-Averchi, R. Huber, P. Berberich, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, D. Grundler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, M. Poggio, M. Kemmler

1305.1201 (Corentin Morice et al.)

Impact of defect layers on superconductivity in Bi-O-S compounds    [PDF]

Corentin Morice, Emilio Artacho, Sian E. Dutton, Daniel Molnar, Hyeong-Jin Kim, Siddharth S. Saxena

1305.1251 (Y. X. Zhao et al.)

An intrinsic connection between topological stabilities of Fermi
surfaces and topological insulators/superconductors

Y. X. Zhao, Z. D. Wang

1305.1269 (D. C. Larbalestier et al.)

A transformative superconducting magnet technology for fields well above
30 T using isotropic round wire multifilament Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8-x conductor

D. C. Larbalestier, J. Jiang, U. P. Trociewitz, F. Kametani, C. Scheuerlein, M. Dalban-Canassy, M. Matras, P. Chen, N. C. Craig, P. J. Lee, E. E. Hellstrom