Friday, May 11, 2012

1106.5798 (B. Moritz et al.)

An Investigation of Particle-Hole Asymmetry in the Cuprates via
Electronic Raman Scattering

B. Moritz, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux, B. Muschler, W. Prestel, R. Hackl, M. Lambacher, A. Erb, Seiki Komiya, Yoichi Ando

1108.4169 (R. T. Clay et al.)

Ground state and finite temperature behavior of 1/4-filled band zigzag

R. T. Clay, J. P. Song, S. Dayal, S. Mazumdar

1205.1836 (Kyle Keane et al.)

Simple quantum error detection and correction for superconducting qubits    [PDF]

Kyle Keane, Alexander N. Korotkov

1205.2210 (A. K. Pramanik et al.)

Flux jumps and vortex pinning in Ba$_{0.65}$Na$_{0.35}$Fe$_2$As$_2$
single crystals

A. K. Pramanik, S. Aswartham, A. U. B. Wolter, S. Wurmehl, V. Kataev, B. Büchner

1205.2252 (Audrey Cottet)

Microwave spectroscopy of a Cooper pair beam splitter    [PDF]

Audrey Cottet

1205.2289 (H. Y. Gunel et al.)

Supercurrent in Nb/InAs-Nanowire/Nb Josephson junctions    [PDF]

H. Y. Gunel, I. E. Batov, H. Hardtdegen, K. Sladek, A. Winden, K. Weis, G. Panaitov, D. Gruetzmacher, Th. Schaepers

1205.2364 (Andrzej M. Oleś)

Stripes and Pairing in High Temperature Superconductors    [PDF]

Andrzej M. Oleś