Monday, September 10, 2012

1103.2951 (Vivian V. França et al.)

Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov critical polarization in
one-dimensional fermionic optical lattices

Vivian V. França, Dominik Hördlein, Andreas Buchleitner

1209.1410 (R. J. Zieve et al.)

Energy Loss from a Moving Vortex in Superfluid Helium    [PDF]

R. J. Zieve, C. M. Frei, D. L. Wolfson

1209.1514 (B. H. Schneider et al.)

Coupling carbon nanotube mechanics to a superconducting circuit    [PDF]

B. H. Schneider, S. Etaki, H. S. J. van der Zant, G. A. Steele

1209.1528 (Andrea Perali et al.)

Anomalous isotope effect near a 2.5 Lifshitz transition in a multi-band
multi-condensate superconductor made of a superlattice of stripes

Andrea Perali, Davide Innocenti, Antonio Valletta, Antonio Bianconi

1209.1571 (Dong-Hee Kim et al.)

Topological transitions of gapless paired states in mixed-geometry

Dong-Hee Kim, Joel S. J. Lehikoinen, Päivi Törmä

1209.1594 (S. Salem-Sugui Jr et al.)

Flux-creep in the second magnetization peak of BaFe{1.9}Ni{0.1}As2

S. Salem-Sugui Jr, L. Ghivelder, A. D. Alvarenga, L. F. Cohen, Huiqian Luo, Xingye Lu

1209.1627 (P. M. Walmsley et al.)

Chirality of superfluid 3He-A    [PDF]

P. M. Walmsley, A. I. Golov