Wednesday, October 24, 2012

1007.0745 (George Kastrinakis)

A fermionic superfluid state for many spinful species - II    [PDF]

George Kastrinakis

1210.6054 (X. Chen et al.)

Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy of candidate topological
superconductor Cu0.25Bi2Se3

X. Chen, C. Huan, Y. S. Hor, C. A. R. Sá de Melo, Z. Jiang

1210.6074 (A. Krikun et al.)

Holographic model of S^{+/-} multiband superconductor    [PDF]

A. Krikun, V. P. Kirilin, A. V. Sadofyev

1210.6143 (Zheyu Huang et al.)

Why there is a difference between optimal doping for maximal Tc and
critical doping for highest ρ_s in cuprate superconductors?

Zheyu Huang, Huaisong Zhao, Shiping Feng

1210.6235 (Sebastian Mai et al.)

Stationary Josephson effect in a short multi-terminal junction    [PDF]

Sebastian Mai, Ervand Kandelaki, Anatoly Volkov, Konstantin Efetov

1210.6249 (J. Kaczmarczyk et al.)

High-temperature superconductivity in the Hubbard model: Gutzwiller
wave-function solution

J. Kaczmarczyk, J. Spałek, T. Schickling, F. Gebhard, J. Buenemann

1210.6276 (Juha Leppäkangas et al.)

Nonclassical photon pair production in a voltage-biased Josephson

Juha Leppäkangas, Göran Johansson, Michael Marthaler, Mikael Fogelström

1210.6310 (A. J. Berkley et al.)

Tunneling spectroscopy using a probe qubit    [PDF]

A. J. Berkley, A. J. Przybysz, T. Lanting, R. Harris, N. Dickson, F. Altomare, M. H. Amin, P. Bunyk, C. Enderud, E. Hoskinson, M. W. Johnson, E. Ladizinsky, R. Neufeld, C. Rich, A. Yu. Smirnov, E. Tolkacheva, S. Uchaikin, A. B. Wilson

1210.6320 (Renyuan Liao et al.)

p-wave Pairing in Two-Component Fermi System with Unequal Population:
Weak Coupling BCS to Strong Coupling BEC Regimes

Renyuan Liao, Florentin Popescu, Khandker Quader

1210.6324 (Du\vsan Vol\vcko et al.)

Signatures of Fermion Pairing with Unconventional Symmetry around
BCS-BEC Crossover in a Quasi-2D Lattice

Du\vsan Vol\vcko, Khandker F. Quader