Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1111.0445 (Roland Grein et al.)

A Numerical Study of the Superconducting Proximity Effect in Topological
Surface States

Roland Grein, Jens Michelsen, Matthias Eschrig

1208.5491 (J. P. Dahlhaus et al.)

Scattering theory of topological invariants in nodal superconductors    [PDF]

J. P. Dahlhaus, M. Gibertini, C. W. J. Beenakker

1208.5547 (Rong Yu et al.)

Orbital-selective Mott Phase in Multiorbital Models for Alkaline Iron
Selenides K(1-x)Fe(2-y)Se2

Rong Yu, Qimiao Si

1208.5596 (Feng Liu et al.)

d+id' Chiral Superconductivity in Bilayer Silicene    [PDF]

Feng Liu, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Kehui Wu, Fan Yang, Yugui Yao

1208.5629 (A. G. Mal'shukov et al.)

Triplet supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions by spin

A. G. Mal'shukov, Arne Brataas

1208.5652 (M. Fu et al.)

NMR Search for the Spin Nematic State in LaFeAsO Single Crystal    [PDF]

M. Fu, D. A. Torchetti, T. Imai, F. L. Ning, J. -Q. Yan, A. S. Sefat

1208.5747 (David G. Ferguson et al.)

Symmetries and collective excitations in large superconducting circuits    [PDF]

David G. Ferguson, A. A. Houck, Jens Koch