Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1305.2317 (Q. -H. Wang et al.)

Theory of superconductivity in a three-orbital model of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$    [PDF]

Q. -H. Wang, C. Platt, Y. Yang, C. Honerkamp, F. C. Zhang, W. Hanke, T. M. Rice, R. Thomale

1307.2248 (Alex Hayat et al.)

Cooper-pair based photon entanglement without isolated emitters    [PDF]

Alex Hayat, Hae-Young Kee, Kenneth S. Burch, Aephraim M. Steinberg

1307.2256 (Matthew S. Foster et al.)

Far from equilibrium topological p-wave superfluids    [PDF]

Matthew S. Foster, Victor Gurarie, Maxim Dzero, Emil A. Yuzbashyan

1307.2318 (Shiro Kawabata et al.)

Efficient electron refrigeration using superconductor/spin-filter

Shiro Kawabata, Asier Ozaeta, Andrey S. Vasenko, Frank W. J. Hekking, F. Sebastian Bergeret

1307.2363 (Yasuharu Nakamura et al.)

Multi-Orbital Superconductivity in SrTiO3 /LaAlO3 Interface and SrTiO3

Yasuharu Nakamura, Youichi Yanase

1307.2382 (Yoshiki Imai et al.)

Topological and edge state properties of a three-band model for Sr2RuO4    [PDF]

Yoshiki Imai, Katsunori Wakabayashi, Manfred Sigrist

1307.2394 (Y. Yang et al.)

Pairing with dominant triplet component and possible weak topological
superconductivity in BiS$_2$-based superconductors

Y. Yang, W. S. Wang, Y. Y. Xiang, Z. Z. Li, Q. H. Wang

1307.2439 (Wei Zhang et al.)

Topological Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states in Spin-orbit Coupled
Fermi Gases

Wei Zhang, Wei Yi

1307.2503 (Chui-Ping Yang et al.)

Entanglement generation and quantum information transfer between
spatially-separated qubits in different cavities

Chui-Ping Yang, Qi-Ping Su, Franco Nori

1307.2524 (Zhen-Fei Zheng et al.)

Preparing Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger Entangled Photon Fock States of
Three Cavities Coupled by a Superconducting Flux Qutrit

Zhen-Fei Zheng, Qi-Ping Su, Chui-Ping Yang