Friday, February 3, 2012

1106.4217 (T. Hänke et al.)

Probing unconventional superconductivity in LiFeAs by quasiparticle

T. Hänke, S. Sykora, R. Schlegel, D. Baumann, L. Harnagea, S. Wurmehl, M. Daghofer, B. Büchner, J. van den Brink, C. Hess
A crucial step in revealing the nature of unconventional superconductivity is
to investigate the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. Scanning
tunneling spectroscopy has proven a powerful technique to probe this symmetry
by measuring the quasiparticle interference (QPI) which sensitively depends on
the superconducting pairing mechanism. A particularly well suited material to
apply this technique is the stoichiometric superconductor LiFeAs as it features
clean, charge neutral cleaved surfaces without surface states and a relatively
high Tc~18K. Our data reveal that in LiFeAs the quasiparticle scattering is
governed by a van-Hove singularity at the center of the Brillouin zone which is
in stark contrast with other pnictide superconductors where nesting is crucial
for both scattering and s+- superconductivity. Indeed, within a minimal model
and using the most elementary order parameters, calculations of the QPI suggest
a dominating role of the hole-like bands for the quasiparticle scattering. Our
theoretical findings do not support the elementary singlet pairing symmetries
s++, s+-, and d-wave. This brings to mind that the superconducting pairing
mechanism in LiFeAs is based on an unusual pairing symmetry such as an
elementary p-wave (which provides optimal agreement between the experimental
data and QPI simulations) or a more complex order parameter (e.g. s+id-wave
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