Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1201.3637 (J. E. Hirsch)

Experimental consequences of predicted charge rigidity of

J. E. Hirsch
The theory of hole superconductivity predicts that in superconductors the
charged superfluid is about a million times more rigid than the normal electron
fluid. We point out that this physics should give rise to large changes in the
bulk and surface plasmon dispersion relations of metals entering the
superconducting state, that have not yet been experimentally detected and would
be in stark contradiction with the expected behavior within conventional
BCS-London theory. We also propose that this explains the puzzling experimental
observations of Avramenko et al\cite{sound} on electron sound propagation in
superconductors and the puzzling experiments of W. de Heer et al\cite{clusters}
detecting large electric dipole moments in small metal clusters, as well as the
Tao effect\cite{tao} on aggregation of superconducting microparticles in an
electric field. Associated with the enhanced charge rigidity is a large
increase in the electric screening length of superconductors at low
temperatures that has not yet been experimentally detected. The physical origin
of the enhanced charge rigidity and its relation to other aspects of the theory
of hole superconductivity is discussed.
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