Thursday, February 16, 2012

1202.3146 (X. Cai et al.)

Quantum oscillations in nanofabricated rings of spin-triplet
superconductor Sr2RuO4

X. Cai, Y. A. Ying, N. E. Staley, Y. Xin, D. Fobes, T. Liu, Z. Q. Mao, Y. Liu
Recent advances in the study of topological quantum states of matter have
provided a big boost for the pursuit of fault-tolerant topological quantum
computing based on non-Abelian Majorana fermions. It was predicted that a
half-flux-quantum vortex carrying a total flux of {\Phi}0/2 ({\Phi}0 = h/2e,
where h is the Planck constant and e the elemental charge), which is expected
in a spin-triplet, chiral p-wave superconductor, hosts a non-Abelian Majorana
mode. Recent cantilever magnetometry measurements on Sr2RuO4, likely a chiral
p-wave superconductor, revealed features suggesting a {\Phi}0/2 flux state. To
provide an independent confirmation of the existence of the {\Phi}0/2 state, we
pursued electrical transport measurements of quantum oscillations in small
Sr2RuO4 loops. Here we report the successful nanofabrication of Sr2RuO4 rings
required for such measurements and the observation of a {\Phi}0 quantum
oscillation with unexpected large amplitude. However, different from the
previous work, clear evidence for a {\Phi}0/2 state was not found.
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