Monday, February 27, 2012

1202.5196 (L. Steffen et al.)

Experimental Monte Carlo Quantum Process Certification    [PDF]

L. Steffen, M. P. da Silva, A. Fedorov, M. Baur, A. Wallraff
Experimental implementations of quantum information processing have now
reached a level of sophistication where quantum process tomography is
impractical. The number of experimental settings as well as the computational
cost of the data post-processing now translates to days of effort to
characterize even experiments with as few as 8 qubits. Recently a more
practical approach to determine the fidelity of an experimental quantum process
has been proposed, where the experimental data is compared directly to an ideal
process using Monte Carlo sampling. Here we present an experimental
implementation of this scheme in a circuit quantum electrodynamics setup to
determine the fidelity of two qubit gates, such as the cphase and the cnot
gate, and three qubit gates, such as the Toffoli gate and two sequential cphase
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