Satoshi Demura, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Toshinori Ozaki, Hiroshi Hara, Yasuna Kawasaki, Keita Deguchi, Tohru Watanabe, Saleem James Denholme, Yoshikazu Mizuguchi, Takahide Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Takeya, Yoshihiko Takano
We have successfully synthesized FeSe films by the electrochemical deposition in the electrolyte containing FeCl_{2}\cdot4H_{2}O, SeO_{2} and Na_{2}SO_{4}. The composition ratio of Fe and Se was controlled by the synthesis voltage and pH value. The FeSe film with the composition ratio of Fe : Se = 1 : 1 is fabricated at a voltage of -0.9 V and pH 2.1 in our electrochemical deposition. This sample has a highly crystalline tetragonal FeSe structure and exhibits a superconducting transition at 8.1 K, comparable to FeSe synthesized by other methods.
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