Thursday, June 7, 2012

1206.1182 (A. D. Hillier et al.)

Probing the superconducting state of the Heusler supercoductor:

A. D. Hillier, N. Parzyk, D. Mck Paul
Using both muon spin rotation and muon spin relaxation, the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductor {ZrNi$_2$Ga} has been studied. The temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth of {ZrNi$_2$Ga} is consistent with a single isotropic gap s-wave BCS superconductor. The gap energy is \Delta(0)=0.44(1) meV and the magnetic penetration depth, \lambda(0), is 310(5) nm. Furthermore, we show evidence of a possible cross-over from an square flux line lattice to a hexagonal lattice at low temperatures. No evidence of time reversal symmetry breaking has been observed as might be expected for a half metal superconductor.
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