Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1206.5672 (D. Bothner et al.)

Excess flux stability fingerprints in the I_c(B)-T_c(B) phase boundary
of superconducting thin films with quasiperiodic microtopology

D. Bothner, R. Seidl, V. R. Misko, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, M. Kemmler
We experimentally investigate the magnetic field $B$ dependence of the critical current I_c and the transition temperature T_c, i.e. the I_c(B)-T_c(B) phase boundary, of superconducting niobium thin films patterned with periodic and quasiperiodic antidot arrays on the submicron scale. For this purpose we monitor current-voltage characteristics at different values of B and T. We investigate samples with antidots positioned at the vertices of two different tilings with quasiperiodic symmetry, namely the Shield Tiling and the Tuebingen Triangle Tiling. For reference we investigate a sample with a triangular antidot lattice. We find modulations of the phase boundary for both quasiperiodic tilings, which were predicted by numerical simulations but not observed in experiments yet. The particularity of these commensurability effects is that they correspond to excess flux densities, which are slightly higher than the matching flux. The observed matching effects can be explained by quasiperiodic caging of interstitial vortices and/or the formation of symmetry induced giant vortices.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.5672

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