Hidetomo Usui, Katsuhiro Suzuki, Kazuhiko Kuroki
We construct minimal electronic models for a newly discovered superconductor LaO$_{1-x}$F$_x$BiS$_2$ ($T_c=$ 10.6K) possessing BiS$_2$ layers based on first principles band calculation. First, we obtain a model consisting of two Bi $6p$ and two S $3p$ orbitals, which give nearly electron-hole symmetric bands. Further focusing on the bands that intersect the Fermi level, we obtain a model with two $p$ orbitals. The two bands (per BiS$_2$ layer) have quasi-one-dimensional character with a double minimum dispersion, which gives good nesting of the Fermi surface. At around $x\sim 0.5$ the topology of the Fermi surface changes, so that the density of states at the Fermi level becomes large. Possible pairing states are discussed.
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