Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1207.7030 (Carles Navau et al.)

Magnetic energy harvesting and concentration at distance by
transformation optics

Carles Navau, Jordi-Prat Camps, Alvaro Sanchez
Magnetic energy is one the main agents powering our society: generating energy in power plants, keeping information in magnetic memories, moving our devices with motors. All of these applications require a certain spatial distribution of magnetic energy, for example concentrating it in a transformer core or in a magnetic sensor. We introduce in this work a way to collect magnetic energy and distribute it in space with unprecedented efficiency and flexibility, allowing very large concentration of magnetic energy in a free space region, an enhanced magnetic coupling between two magnetic sources, and the transfer of magnetic energy from a source to a given distant point separated by empty space. All these features are achieved with a single device, a magnetic shell designed by transformation optics.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.7030

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