Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1210.4206 (A. Glatz et al.)

Pseudogap and zero-bias anomaly due to fluctuation suppression of
quasiparticle tunneling

A. Glatz, A. A. Varlamov, V. M. Vinokur
We study the effect of superconducting fluctuations on the tunnel current-voltage characteristics of disordered superconducting films placed in a perpendicular magnetic field, $H$, in the whole $H$-$T$ phase diagram outside the superconducting region. This tunnel-current is experimentally accessible by STM measurements. In the domain of temperatures $T\geq T_{c0}$ and relatively weak fields $H\ll H_{c2}(0)$ we reproduce existing results for the zero-voltage tunneling conductance, but also discover an important nonlinear contribution, which appears due to dynamic fluctuation modes and results in the formation of a strong zero-bias anomaly (ZBA) on the scale $eV\sim k_{\mathrm{B}}(T-T_{c0})$. At large voltages ($eV\sim k_{\mathrm{B}}T_{c0}$) these modes, together with the contribution from static fluctuations, form a pseudogap maximum. At low temperatures, with magnetic field values near $H_{c2}(0)$, fluctuations acquire quantum character and the general picture of the voltage dependent tunneling conductance resembles that one close to $T_{c0}$, where the role of temperature and magnetic field are exchanged. In particular, a gap-like structure appears with maximum at $eV_{\max}\sim \Delta_{\mathrm{BCS}}$ and a sharp ZBA on the scale $eV\sim \Delta_{\mathrm{BCS}}(H/H_{c2}(0)-1)$. The complete expression for the tunneling current at arbitrary fields and temperatures can be evaluated only numerically, which is presented in detail.
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