Thursday, February 14, 2013

1302.3050 (R. Szczesniak et al.)

The high-pressure superconductivity in SiH4: the strong-coupling

R. Szczesniak, A. P. Durajski
In the paper, the thermodynamic parameters of the high-pressure superconducting state in the SiH$_4$ compound have been determined ($p=250$ GPa). By using the Eliashberg equations in the mixed representation, the critical temperature, the energy gap, and the electron effective mass have been calculated. It has been stated that the critical temperature ($T_{C}$) decreases from 51.65 K to 20.62 K, if the Coulomb pseudopotential increases ($\mu^{\star}\in 0.1,0.3$). The dimensionless ratio $2\Delta\(0\)/k_{B}T_{C}$ decreases from 4.10 to 3.84, where the symbol $\Delta\(0\)$ denotes the value of the order parameter close to the zero temperature. The ratio of the electron effective mass to the band electron mass is high, and it reaches maximum equal to 1.95 for the critical temperature.
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