Thursday, February 21, 2013

1302.5041 (A. Maisuradze et al.)

Magnetic form factor, field map and field distribution for a BCS type-II
superconductor near its Bc2(T) phase boundary

A. Maisuradze, A. Yaouanc
We review the magnetic form factor deduced by Delrieu from the Gorkov's equation for a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) type-II superconductor near its Bc2 phase boundary, i.e. when its magnetization is small. A numerical study of the form factor, field map, and field distribution follows. The characteristics of the transition from the low-temperature BCS to the high-temperature Ginzburg-Landau vortex lattices is studied. The exotic shape of the component field distribution and the form factor at low temperature and as a function of the external field intensity are discussed. Our numerical work should be helpful for the analysing of small angle neutron scattering and muon spin rotation vortex-lattice data recorded for BCS superconductors and maybe other superconductors in the clean limit.
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