Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1302.6002 (M. V. Krasinkova)

Highly Correlated Electron State and High-Temperature Superconductivity
in Iron Pnictides

M. V. Krasinkova
It is shown that the qualitative model of the high-temperature superconductivity suggested earlier for cuprates and doped picene and based on the idea that the valence electron state depends on the character of the chemical bonds they form and on the Coulomb interaction between the electrons is not only confirmed by the experimental data on iron pnictides but is also improved. From the chemical point of view, the high-temperature superconductivity is associated with additional $\pi$ bonding along chains of covalently bonded ions via a delocalized $\pi$ orbital, just like in cuprates. From the physical point of view, as the data on iron pnictides show, the superconductivity is associated with a FeAs layer transition into the state similar to a macroscopic quantum system characterized by a highly correlated electron state, formation of two-dimensional crystals of electron pairs with quantized energy levels, and a strong Coulomb interaction between these crystals. Superconductivity in such a system is accomplished by a two-dimensional Wigner crystal consisting of one-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by bosons, i.e., singlet electron pairs that are in the same quasi-one-dimensional state extending along the ion chain, which corresponds to a delocalized $\pi$ orbital in chemistry. The model applicability to three different classes of materials (cuprates, picene, iron pnictides) indicates that it can prove useful for development of the theory of superconductivity taking into consideraion the highly correlated state of valence electrons and strong Coulomb interactions between the electrons.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.6002

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