Friday, March 22, 2013

1110.5751 (Z. P. Yin et al.)

Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon coupling: Applications of GW and
screened hybrid functional to bismuthates, chloronitrides, and other high Tc

Z. P. Yin, A. Kutepov, G. Kotliar
We show that the electron-phonon coupling (EPC) in many materials can be significantly underestimated by the standard density functional theory (DFT) in the local density approximation (LDA) due to large non-local correlation effects. We present a simple yet efficient methodology to evaluate the realistic EPC going beyond LDA by using more advanced and accurate GW and screened hybrid functional DFT approaches. The corrections we propose explain the extraordinarily high superconducting temperatures that are observed in two distinct classes of compounds-the bismuthates and the transition metal chloronitrides, thus solving a thirty-year-old puzzle. Our work calls for the critically reevaluation of the EPC of certain phonon modes in many other materials such as cuprates and iron-based superconductors. The proposed methodology can be used to design new correlation-enhanced high temperature superconductors and other functional materials involving electron-phonon interaction.
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