Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.4473 (R. H. Yuan et al.)

In-plane optical spectroscopy study on FeSe epitaxial thin film grown on
SrTiO$_3$ substrate

R. H. Yuan, W. D. Kong, L. Yan, H. Ding, N. L. Wang
We perform in-plane optical spectroscopy measurement on (00l) FeSe thin-film grown on SrTiO$_3$ substrate by pulsed laser deposition method. The study indicates that the low frequency conductivity consists of two Drude components, a broad one which takes up most of the spectral weight and a very narrow one roughly below 100-150 \cm. The narrow Drude component locates at so low frequencies that no such behavior was observed in iron pnictides. The overall plasma frequency is found to be smaller than the FeAs based compounds, suggesting a stronger correlation effect. Similar to iron pnictides, a temperature-induced spectral weight transfer is observed for FeSe. However, the relevant energy scale is lower. Additionally, different from a recent ARPES measurement which revealed a spin density wave (SDW) order at low temperature for FeSe thin films grown on SrTiO$_3$ substrate, no signature of the band structure reconstruction arising from the formation of the SDW order is seen by optical measurement in the thick FeSe films.
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