Friday, May 24, 2013

1305.5292 (Chang-Yu Hou et al.)

Thermopower and the Mott formula for a Majorana edge state    [PDF]

Chang-Yu Hou, Kirill Shtengel, Gil Refael
We study the thermoelectric effect between a conducting lead and a Majorana edge state. In the tunneling limit, we first use the Landuaer-B\" uttiker formalism to derive the Mott formula relating the thermopower and the differential conductance between a conducting lead and a superconductor. When the tunneling takes place between a conducting lead and a Majorana edge state, we show that a non-vanishing thermopower can exist. Combining measurements of the differential conductance and the voltage difference induced by the temperature difference between the conducting lead and the edge state, the Mott formula provides a unique way to infer the temperature of the Majorana edge state.
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