Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1305.6160 (Vincenzo Parente et al.)

Electron-phonon interaction on the surface of a 3D topological insulator    [PDF]

Vincenzo Parente, Arturo Tagliacozzo, Felix von Oppen, Francisco Guinea
We analyze the role of a Rayleigh surface phonon mode in the electron-phonon interaction at the surface of a 3D topological insulator. A strong renormalization of the phonon dispersion, leading eventually to the disappearance of Rayleigh phonons, is ruled out in the ideal case of a continuum long-wavelength limit, which is only justified if the surface is clean and defect free. The absence of backscattering for Dirac electrons at the Fermi surface is partly responsible for the reduced influence of the electron-phonon interaction. A pole in the dielectric response function due to the Rayleigh phonon dispersion could drive the electron-electron interaction attractive at low frequencies. However, the average pairing interaction within the weak coupling approach is found to be too small to induce a surface superconducting instability.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.6160

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