Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3651 (Hidetoshi Minami et al.)

Local SiC photoluminescence evidence of non-mutualistic hot spot
formation and sub-THz coherent emission from a rectangular
Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+δ}$ mesa

Hidetoshi Minami, Chiharu Watanabe, Kota Sato, Shunsuke Sekimoto, Takashi Yamamoto, Takanari Kashiwagi, Richard A. Klemm, Kazuo Kadowaki
From the photoluminescence of SiC microcrystals uniformly covering a rectangular mesa of the high transition temperature $T_c$ superconductor Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+\delta}$, the local surface temperature $T({\bm r})$ was directly measured during simultaneous sub-THz emission from the $N\sim10^3$ intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) in the mesa. At high bias currents $I$ and low bath temperatures $T_{\rm bath}\lesssim~35$ K, the center of a large elliptical hot spot with $T({\bm r})> T_c$ jumps dramatically with little current-voltage characteristic changes. The hot spot doesn't alter the ubiquitous primary and secondary emission conditions: the ac Josephson relation and the electromagnetic cavity resonance excitation, respectively. Since the intense sub-THz emission was observed for high $T_{\rm bath}\gtrsim~50$ K in the low $I$ bias regime where hot spots are absent, hot spots can not provide the primary mechanisms for increasing the output power, the tunability, or for promoting the synchronization of the $N$ IJJs for the sub-THz emission, but can at best coexist non-mutualistically with the emission. No $T({\bm r})$ standing waves were observed.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.3651

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