Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1205.3408 (Y. Noat et al.)

Break-up of long-range coherence due to phase fluctuations in ultrathin
superconducting NbN films

Y. Noat, T. Cren, C. Brun, F. Debontridder, V. Cherkez, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, A. Semenov, H. -W. Hübers, D. Roditchev
Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), we address the problem of the superconductor-insulator phase transition (SIT) in homogeneously disordered ultrathin (2-15 nm) films of NbN. Samples thicker than 8 nm, for which the Ioffe-Regel parameter $k_F l \geq 5.6$, manifest a conventional superconductivity : A spatially homogeneous BCS-like gap, vanishing at the critical temperature, and a vortex lattice in magnetic field. Upon thickness reduction, however, while $k_F l$ lowers, the STS revealed striking deviations from the BCS scenario, among which a progressive decrease of the coherence peak height and spatial inhomogeneities. The thinnest film (2.16 nm), while not being exactly at the SIT ($T_C \approx 0.4 T_{C-bulk}$), showed astonishingly vanishing coherence peaks and the absence of vortices. In the quasi-2D limit, such clear signatures of the loss of long-range phase coherence strongly suggest that, at the SIT the superconductivity is destroyed by phase fluctuations.
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