H. Kim, N. H. Sung, B. K. Cho, M. A. Tanatar, R. Prozorov
The in-plane magnetic penetration depth, $\lambda_m(T)$, was measured in single crystals of SrPd$_2$Ge$_2$ superconductor in a dilution refrigerator down to T=60 mK and in magnetic fields up to $H_{dc} = 1$ T by using a tunnel diode resonator. The London penetration depth, $\lambda$, saturates exponentially approaching $T\rightarrow 0$ indicating fully gapped superconductivity. The thermodynamic Rutgers formula was used to estimate $\lambda(0) = 426$ nm which was used to calculate the superfluid density, $\rho_s(T)=\lambda^2(0)/\lambda^2(T)$. Analysis of $\rho_s(T)$ in the full temperature range shows that it is best described by a single - gap behavior, perhaps with somewhat stronger coupling. In a magnetic field, the measured penetration depth is given by the Campbell penetration depth which was used to calculate the theoretical critical current density $j_c$. For $H \le 0.45$ T, the strongest pinning is achieved not at the lowest, but at some intermediate temperature, probably due to matching effect between temperature - dependent coherence length and relevant pinning lengthscale. Finally, we find a compelling evidence for surface superconductivity. Combining all measurements, the entire $H$-$T$ phase diagram of SrPd$_2$Ge$_2$ is constructed with an estimated $H_{c2}(0)=0.4817$ T.
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