Friday, March 15, 2013

1303.3343 (Shunji Tsuchiya et al.)

The Higgs mode in a superfluid of Dirac fermions    [PDF]

Shunji Tsuchiya, R. Ganesh, Tetsuro Nikuni
We study the Higgs amplitude mode in the s-wave superfluid state on the honeycomb lattice inspired by recent cold atom experiments. We consider the attractive Hubbard model and focus on the vicinity of a quantum phase transition between semi-metal and superfluid phases. On either side of the transition, we find collective mode excitations that are stable against decay into quasiparticle-pairs. In the semi-metal phase, the collective modes have "Cooperon" and exciton character. These modes smoothly evolve across the quantum phase transition, and become the Anderson-Bogoliubov mode and the Higgs mode of the superfluid phase. The collective modes are accommodated within a window in the quasiparticle-pair continuum, which arises as a consequence of the linear Dirac dispersion on the honeycomb lattice, and allows for sharp collective excitations. Bragg scattering can be used to measure these excitations in cold atom experiments, providing a rare example wherein collective modes can be tracked across a quantum phase transition.
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