Friday, April 12, 2013

1304.3387 (Orlando Quaranta et al.)

Thermal response of tungsten silicide microwave kinetic inductance

Orlando Quaranta, Thomas Cecil, Lisa Gades, Benjamin Mazin, Antonino Miceli
We have used a Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) to measure the temperature rise induced by an X-ray photon absorbed in a normal metal absorber. The tungsten silicide resonator is fabricated on a continuous silicon nitride membrane with the inductor wrapping around a gold absorber. We observed two distinct pulses with different time constants and have measured the temperature dependence of the resonator decay times and temperature rises. We compared these values to those of non-equilibrium quasiparticle relaxation and thermal relaxation and attribute the shorter pulses to an athermal process and the longer pulses to a thermal process in which the MKID resonator is responding to the thermal relaxation of the gold absorber and silicon nitride membrane. This result opens the path to the development of superconducting resonator-based X-ray microcalorimeter detectors.
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